Should I be ‘Baby-Led Weaning’?

“Oh, so you’re not Baby-Led Weaning?”… The comment may have been genuinely out of interest, and perhaps there was no condescending intent. However, the tone suggested that is was one of those ‘my way is superior to your way’...

Exciting News for Choose Nutrition: Welcome Tracy Stock

I am thrilled to announce that Choose Nutrition is growing! My long-time friend and colleague, Tracy Stock, has joined the team. I met Tracy 10 years ago when we began working together at Nepean Hospital. I have respected her skill as a dietitian ever since, and could...
Toddler Formula is Essential For Kids? Don’t be ridiculous

Toddler Formula is Essential For Kids? Don’t be ridiculous

Every now and then a television ad gets me all fired up. Usually it’s an ad by an infant formula company trying to circumvent the tight restrictions against advertising of infant formula. They do this by promoting their ‘toddler’ or ‘follow on’ formulas. Recently, as...